
I'm a freelance writer with an MS in wildlife ecology and a BA in psychology with a minor in writing. I love exploring a wide range of topics and occasionally writing about them, such as wildlife, conservation, space, AI, the mind and consciousness, the environment, sustainability, adventure travel, the trials and tribulations of parenting, and many more.

I'm a former wildlife biologist who worked with several federally listed threatened and endangered species in the Texas Hill Country area, including the golden-cheeked warbler, the black-capped vireo, and a variety of cave-dwelling invertebrates found only in central Texas.

I love coffee, caving, animals, meditation, mountain biking, poetry, and all things sci-fi.

I also enjoy writing creative content and copy for sustainable-minded businesses that understand the importance of doing business in a conscientious manner and put the planet and people in their profit equation.

Contact info: me@kathleenoconnorwritingdotcom

Medium member since August 2019
Connect with Kathleen O'Connor
Kathleen O'Connor

Kathleen O'Connor

Former wildlife biologist, current freelance writer & boy Mom. I love exploring topics in science, nature, life, the Universe and everything.